Benthall Reoperasyon
Dear Professor, I am happy and healthy in my 5th birthday. I offer to you and your team my respects and love. Benthall Reoperationon (AVR25 -ATS,28 mm Tube graft) LVF-MID Derya Gezer
View All15 - Jul - 2005 | Derya Gezer
How happy we are
Dear valuable professor, year: 1991; there was a small porcelain factory in Istanbul Yıldız Park, close to Malta Kiosk, presenting handicraft products…When I was in charge of that corporation,… View All
12 - Jul - 2005 | Atila Erdem
From the birdie
Hello professor Bingür, I am the daughter (BIRDIE) of Atalay TONOZ who you had operated at 02.June.2005. For the present, I love so much Camlica Soda, because my dad asked for it as he exited from… View All
08 - Jul - 2005 | Asli Tonoz
Dear Professor Bingür, I watched your illusion show on TV describing smoking damages. I charmed. I offer you my respects. Selviye Yıldırım
View All01 - Jul - 2005 | Selviye Yildirim
By pass
I don’t know what to write, we left without visiting you. We are thankful to you and your team. We and my father who underwent the surgery at 17.05.2005 are in the excitement for being to visit you… View All
23 - May - 2005 | Erkan Kınalı
Medical Day
We celebrate your medical day with armful love same time in the birthday of our father. Thanks. Respectfully, ÇORAL FAMILY FİLİZ ÇORAL BİRCE ÇORAL ORÇUN ÇORAL AYKUT ÇORAL
View All14 - May - 2005 | Aykut Çoral
Hello Professor Bingür
Dear professor Bingür; I am the grandchild of Remzi Onay who you first performed a bypass 9 years ago and an operation for his neck at 15.06.2005. First I want to thank you and your team for successful… View All
25 - Apr - 2005 | Doruk Sevinç
sedat gazel
My dear friend, Sure is not my job to make comments on your professional achievements, but I think your so good humanity increases your success. You made me honored. I wis god give you more honors.… View All
07 - Mar - 2005 | Abdullah Naseh
Dear Professor Bingür, You caused me to say ‘Hello’ again at 10.03.2003. I offer my endless respects to your team, to Mr Deniz and to the 5th floor. Resul Halil Bingöl Protocol no: 93690
View All07 - Mar - 2005 | Resul halil bingöl
Hasan Seyalıoğlu
To attention of Prof Dr Bingür Sönmez, Hasan Seyalıoğlu from your patients, had begun to smoke again. I kindly submitted for your information. Respectfully, Serbülent Küçüksakarya, Friend of… View All
28 - Feb - 2005 | Serbülent Küçüksakarya