A new technique for abdominal heart trasplantation in rats
(the journal of cardiovascular surgery - 2003, 2003;44-:747-50.: )
Abstract: Experimental studies in animals play a major role in the progress of medicine. Different surgical techniques have been described for heterotopic heart trasplantation in rats. In this study we introduce a new technique for heart trasplantation in the abdominal cavity of rats. Fifteen sprague Dawley rats have been used as recipients and 15 others as donors. Following preparation of recipient abdominal aorta and left renal vein, the donor heart including proximal arcus aorta was harvested. Donor aorta was anastomosed to the recipient’s aorta; donor pulmonary artery was anastomosed to the left renal vein of the recipient using continuous suture technique. Graft function was evaluated daily by palpation of the rat abdomen. The mean operating time was 34.46±2.66 min and the mean ischemia time was 23.93±2.11 min. One death was seen because of bleeding of the aorto-aortic anastomosis. In this study we evaluated advantages and disadvantages of our technique and compared it to other techniques. This modification provides a more anatomical position, reduces exploration time, has a low incidence of morbidity and mortality. We conclude that, this implantation technique is more suitable for heterotopic heart transpaltation in rats.